Avatar of user Christine von Raesfeld
Christine von Raesfeld
Sonoma County Portrait Photographer check me out on Instagram @raesfeldstudio
A checkmark inside of a circleAvailable for hire
a glass filled with a drink next to sliced lemons
clear drinking glass with orange juice
clear wine glass with filled red liquid
red liquid with ice and plant
three clear drinking glasses filled with juice
clear wine glass with yellow liquid on brown wooden table
orange cocktail on a footed glass
clear cocktail glass with pink liquid and ice
clear wine glass beside sliced lime fruit
clear drinking glass with red liquid inside
clear drinking glass with orange liquid on white table
clear drinking glass with red liquid and green leaf
red liquid in clear drinking glass
clear drinking glass with brown liquid and ice
clear drinking glass with white liquid and orange slice on green leaf
clear drinking glass with brown liquid
clear drinking glass with white liquid
clear wine glass with white liquid on brown wooden table
clear wine glass
three beverage filled drinking glasses with ice cubes beside sliced lemons and blackberries
a glass filled with a drink next to sliced lemons
red liquid with ice and plant
clear wine glass with yellow liquid on brown wooden table
clear cocktail glass with pink liquid and ice
clear drinking glass with red liquid inside
clear drinking glass with red liquid and green leaf
clear drinking glass with brown liquid and ice
clear drinking glass with brown liquid
clear wine glass with white liquid on brown wooden table
three beverage filled drinking glasses with ice cubes beside sliced lemons and blackberries
clear drinking glass with orange juice
clear wine glass with filled red liquid
three clear drinking glasses filled with juice
orange cocktail on a footed glass
clear wine glass beside sliced lime fruit
clear drinking glass with orange liquid on white table
red liquid in clear drinking glass
clear drinking glass with white liquid and orange slice on green leaf
clear drinking glass with white liquid
clear wine glass
a glass filled with a drink next to sliced lemons
three clear drinking glasses filled with juice
clear cocktail glass with pink liquid and ice
clear drinking glass with orange liquid on white table
clear drinking glass with brown liquid and ice
clear drinking glass with white liquid
three beverage filled drinking glasses with ice cubes beside sliced lemons and blackberries
clear drinking glass with orange juice
red liquid with ice and plant
orange cocktail on a footed glass
clear drinking glass with red liquid inside
red liquid in clear drinking glass
clear drinking glass with brown liquid
clear wine glass
clear wine glass with filled red liquid
clear wine glass with yellow liquid on brown wooden table
clear wine glass beside sliced lime fruit
clear drinking glass with red liquid and green leaf
clear drinking glass with white liquid and orange slice on green leaf
clear wine glass with white liquid on brown wooden table
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