Partnerships · March 15, 2023

Meet the 5 new Institutions on Unsplash

Natalie Brennan
Natalie Brennan

From renowned paintings such as ‘Waterlilies’ by Claude Monet to a shocking 3ft long grasshopper, we are so happy to welcome five new institutions and their archival images to the Unsplash library.

When these libraries, museums and archives make their content available on the platform it connects our community to inspiring imagery, preserves history and fosters education.

Let’s take a closer look at five new & notable organizations now on Unsplash.

National Library of Medicine

The National Library of Medicine, founded in 1836, is the world's largest biomedical library. Its Unsplash profile gives you a historic look at the medical world of the 1800s and 1900s — from operating theatres to military hospitals.

Cleveland Museum of Art

As of 2019, the Cleveland Museum of Art is an Open Access institution, using the Creative Commons Zero. This means you can now share, collaborate, remix, and reuse images of public-domain artworks from the CMA’s world-renowned collection. Their profile on Unsplash showcases incredible art from Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, Edgar Degas and so many more!

East Riding Archives

East Riding Archives collect and preserve the historic records of the area for present and future generations. Their hope is for the content to be used for research, learning, and enjoyment by everyone. On their Unsplash profile, you'll find a selection of photographs from 1000 years of  Yorkshire's history.

The State Archives of Florida

The State Archives of Florida is the central repository for the archives of the Florida State Government. Their images on Unsplash are part of The Florida Memory Program, which provides access to primary records that illustrate significant moments in Florida's history — which seemingly includes a lot of fun in the sun!

The Galt Museum & Archives

The Galt Museum & Archives plays a vital role in preserving and interpreting the material culture of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta, Canada. Their Unsplash profile houses a wide array of unique imagery including a young girl swimming with a bear cub in 1952 and a hunter with a 3ft long grasshopper in 1930.

We’re excited to continue working with institutions from around the world to promote their digital archives on Unsplash. If you’re interested in working with us, please reach out to!

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