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Tim Mossholder
My photo journey has grown as Unsplash has grown. What a solid and creative community! I'm stepping away from active engagement here to focus on what God has for me next. Cheers!
a young boy holding a baseball bat in a field
a man wearing sunglasses and a hat
horses grazing in a meadow
a lush green hillside under a cloudy sky
a man playing a guitar
a statue of martin luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther
a woman in a wedding dress sitting on a ledge
a large field with a lightning bolt in the sky
a dirt road in the middle of a field under a cloudy sky
a woman in a white shirt holding a cell phone
A man riding a skateboard on top of cement blocks
A red and white plane flying over a mountain
A red plane is flying over a mountain
A large plume of smoke billowing out of a mountain
A helicopter is flying over a large cliff
A shadow of a plant on a brick wall
A close up of a sign on a door
A close up of a sign on a door
A closed sign hanging from a glass door
A couple of pots sitting on top of a stove
a young boy holding a baseball bat in a field
a lush green hillside under a cloudy sky
a man playing a guitar
a woman in a wedding dress sitting on a ledge
a woman in a white shirt holding a cell phone
A large plume of smoke billowing out of a mountain
A shadow of a plant on a brick wall
A close up of a sign on a door
A couple of pots sitting on top of a stove
a man wearing sunglasses and a hat
horses grazing in a meadow
a statue of martin luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther
a large field with a lightning bolt in the sky
a dirt road in the middle of a field under a cloudy sky
A man riding a skateboard on top of cement blocks
A red and white plane flying over a mountain
A red plane is flying over a mountain
A helicopter is flying over a large cliff
A close up of a sign on a door
A closed sign hanging from a glass door
a young boy holding a baseball bat in a field
a man playing a guitar
a woman in a wedding dress sitting on a ledge
A red and white plane flying over a mountain
A large plume of smoke billowing out of a mountain
A close up of a sign on a door
A couple of pots sitting on top of a stove
a man wearing sunglasses and a hat
a lush green hillside under a cloudy sky
a large field with a lightning bolt in the sky
a woman in a white shirt holding a cell phone
A shadow of a plant on a brick wall
A closed sign hanging from a glass door
horses grazing in a meadow
a statue of martin luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther luther
a dirt road in the middle of a field under a cloudy sky
A man riding a skateboard on top of cement blocks
A red plane is flying over a mountain
A helicopter is flying over a large cliff
A close up of a sign on a door
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