Avatar of user Razvan Sassu
Razvan Sassu
Observing the world scene. Hunter of light and meaning.
a view of a city from the top of a building
two women looking out a window at a city
a group of people standing in front of a window
a large american flag flying in the blue sky
a black and white cat peeking out of a window
a wooden bench sitting in the middle of a field
a man standing on top of a mountain surrounded by clouds
a black bird sitting on top of a wooden pole
a scenic view of a vineyard with a house on the hill
brown and white short coated dog
brown tree trunk under white sky during daytime
brown and white mountain under white sky during daytime
white and black mountains at daytime
black cable car
a view of a city from the top of a building
a group of people standing in front of a window
a black and white cat peeking out of a window
a man standing on top of a mountain surrounded by clouds
a scenic view of a vineyard with a house on the hill
brown and white mountain under white sky during daytime
black cable car
two women looking out a window at a city
a large american flag flying in the blue sky
a wooden bench sitting in the middle of a field
a black bird sitting on top of a wooden pole
brown and white short coated dog
brown tree trunk under white sky during daytime
white and black mountains at daytime
a view of a city from the top of a building
two women looking out a window at a city
a wooden bench sitting in the middle of a field
a black bird sitting on top of a wooden pole
white and black mountains at daytime
a group of people standing in front of a window
a black and white cat peeking out of a window
a scenic view of a vineyard with a house on the hill
brown tree trunk under white sky during daytime
black cable car
a large american flag flying in the blue sky
a man standing on top of a mountain surrounded by clouds
brown and white short coated dog
brown and white mountain under white sky during daytime
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