Avatar of user Francesco Ungaro
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Francesco Ungaro
I'm a Nature lover & self-taught photographer. My dream is to become a Nature's Paparazzo for National Geographic :-) Thanks for donations!
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Two polar bears are sitting on the ground
A snow covered mountain under a cloudy sky
An aerial view of a beach with boats in the water
A dark room with a door in the middle of it
A wooden structure in the middle of a desert
A group of birds sitting on top of an iceberg
A large iceberg floating in the ocean
A group of sea lions laying on top of each other
A large bird with a long beak standing in the water
A dark room with a bed and a window
A room with a glass table and a lamp
A stone building with a stair case and a window
A kitchen and living room are shown in this image
A living room filled with furniture and a fire place
A kitchen with a sink and a window
A kitchen with a stove top oven next to a window
A living room filled with furniture and a flat screen TV
The sun shines through the clouds over a building
A mountain covered in snow next to a body of water
The sun is setting over the ocean with snow on the rocks
Two polar bears are sitting on the ground
A dark room with a door in the middle of it
A large iceberg floating in the ocean
A dark room with a bed and a window
A stone building with a stair case and a window
A living room filled with furniture and a fire place
A kitchen with a stove top oven next to a window
A mountain covered in snow next to a body of water
The sun is setting over the ocean with snow on the rocks
A snow covered mountain under a cloudy sky
An aerial view of a beach with boats in the water
A wooden structure in the middle of a desert
A group of birds sitting on top of an iceberg
A group of sea lions laying on top of each other
A large bird with a long beak standing in the water
A room with a glass table and a lamp
A kitchen and living room are shown in this image
A kitchen with a sink and a window
A living room filled with furniture and a flat screen TV
The sun shines through the clouds over a building
Two polar bears are sitting on the ground
A wooden structure in the middle of a desert
A large iceberg floating in the ocean
A room with a glass table and a lamp
A kitchen with a sink and a window
A living room filled with furniture and a flat screen TV
A mountain covered in snow next to a body of water
The sun is setting over the ocean with snow on the rocks
A snow covered mountain under a cloudy sky
A dark room with a door in the middle of it
A dark room with a bed and a window
A kitchen and living room are shown in this image
A living room filled with furniture and a fire place
A kitchen with a stove top oven next to a window
An aerial view of a beach with boats in the water
A group of birds sitting on top of an iceberg
A group of sea lions laying on top of each other
A large bird with a long beak standing in the water
A stone building with a stair case and a window
The sun shines through the clouds over a building
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