Avatar of user Griffin Wooldridge
Griffin Wooldridge
Designer and Photographer based in the SF Bay Area.
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A close up of a surfboard in the water
A person riding a surfboard on a wave in the ocean
A man sitting in a chair in a room
A bird flying over a body of water
A large body of water surrounded by mountains
A man standing in the middle of a forest
A large body of water surrounded by trees
A grassy field with houses in the background
A man driving a car on a rural road
A view of a lake through some trees
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A man walking a dog down a street
A view of the ocean from a cliff
A white van parked on the side of a road
A view of a beach at sunset from a hill
A woman and a child walking on the beach
A view of a body of water from a train
A beach with waves coming in and out of the water
A body of water with a mountain in the background
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A person riding a surfboard on a wave in the ocean
A bird flying over a body of water
A large body of water surrounded by trees
A man driving a car on a rural road
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A man walking a dog down a street
A view of a beach at sunset from a hill
A view of a body of water from a train
A close up of a surfboard in the water
A man sitting in a chair in a room
A large body of water surrounded by mountains
A man standing in the middle of a forest
A grassy field with houses in the background
A view of a lake through some trees
A view of the ocean from a cliff
A white van parked on the side of a road
A woman and a child walking on the beach
A beach with waves coming in and out of the water
A body of water with a mountain in the background
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A man sitting in a chair in a room
A bird flying over a body of water
A man driving a car on a rural road
A view of a lake through some trees
A view of a beach at sunset from a hill
A beach with waves coming in and out of the water
A close up of a surfboard in the water
A man standing in the middle of a forest
A grassy field with houses in the background
A man walking a dog down a street
A woman and a child walking on the beach
A body of water with a mountain in the background
A person riding a surfboard on a wave in the ocean
A large body of water surrounded by mountains
A large body of water surrounded by trees
A blurry photo of a car driving down a road
A view of the ocean from a cliff
A white van parked on the side of a road
A view of a body of water from a train
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