Maps Descriptive of London Poverty, 1898-9.

The Maps Descriptive of London Poverty are the product of Charles Booth's Inquiry into Life and Labour In London (1886 - 1903). An early example of social cartography, each street is coloured to indicate the inhabitants' income and social class.

12 images
white and brown city buildings illustration
brown and white city buildings
brown and white map illustration
brown and white map illustration
brown and white building illustration
white and brown city buildings sketch
brown and white city buildings
brown and white map illustration
brown and white map illustration
brown and white city buildings sketch
brown and white city map
brown and white abstract painting
white and brown city buildings illustration
brown and white map illustration
brown and white building illustration
brown and white city buildings
brown and white map illustration
brown and white city map
brown and white city buildings
brown and white map illustration
white and brown city buildings sketch
brown and white map illustration
brown and white city buildings sketch
brown and white abstract painting
white and brown city buildings illustration
white and brown city buildings sketch
brown and white city buildings sketch
brown and white city buildings
brown and white building illustration
brown and white map illustration
brown and white abstract painting
brown and white map illustration
brown and white map illustration
brown and white city buildings
brown and white map illustration
brown and white city map