74 images
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding silver fork
boy in black long sleeve shirt holding a stick
man in gray suit sitting on white vintage car
grayscale photo of classic car parked on the side of the road
grayscale photo of birds flying above body of water
woman standing under tree
women wearing coat grey-scale photography
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
Althea Gibson
Snowball fight in front of U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C
Hands up on the beach at Atlantic City, N.J.
French brothers, Titanic survivors
Football players Red Grange and Joe Zeller during practice
Group of boys waving as they play in the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial
Rosa Parks at Poor Peoples March
Boy holding large turkey
Madge Lessing, full length, on bicycle, holding musical horn to lips
Group of Western Union Messengers in Norfolk, Va.
Julia Obear on bike
Sailor Tony Pizzo on a bicycle
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding silver fork
man in gray suit sitting on white vintage car
grayscale photo of birds flying above body of water
women wearing coat grey-scale photography
Althea Gibson
Snowball fight in front of U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C
Football players Red Grange and Joe Zeller during practice
Rosa Parks at Poor Peoples March
Group of Western Union Messengers in Norfolk, Va.
Julia Obear on bike
boy in black long sleeve shirt holding a stick
grayscale photo of classic car parked on the side of the road
woman standing under tree
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
Hands up on the beach at Atlantic City, N.J.
French brothers, Titanic survivors
Group of boys waving as they play in the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial
Boy holding large turkey
Madge Lessing, full length, on bicycle, holding musical horn to lips
Sailor Tony Pizzo on a bicycle
woman in white long sleeve shirt holding silver fork
grayscale photo of birds flying above body of water
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
French brothers, Titanic survivors
Rosa Parks at Poor Peoples March
Julia Obear on bike
boy in black long sleeve shirt holding a stick
woman standing under tree
Althea Gibson
Hands up on the beach at Atlantic City, N.J.
Group of boys waving as they play in the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial
Madge Lessing, full length, on bicycle, holding musical horn to lips
man in gray suit sitting on white vintage car
grayscale photo of classic car parked on the side of the road
women wearing coat grey-scale photography
Snowball fight in front of U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C
Football players Red Grange and Joe Zeller during practice
Boy holding large turkey
Group of Western Union Messengers in Norfolk, Va.
Sailor Tony Pizzo on a bicycle

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