Avatar of user Neelakshi Singh
Neelakshi Singh
Hey! Thank you everyone ❤️ I’ve achieved 9M+views and 77K+ Downloads 🎉 My 30 Photos got featured in various Titles Check it out :) 🧿 If you like my photography keep supporting :) 💗 I shoot from -Nikon -Canon📸
A blurry picture of a window with a bird sitting on the window sill
A bird's eye view of the ocean and rocks
a snowy mountain with a blue sky
A green and white aurora over mountains and water
The sun is setting over a rocky coastline
The night sky over a snowy mountain range
a group of tents under a night sky filled with stars
green coconut palm tree
a large cluster of stars in the sky
A green and purple aurora over a snow covered forest
The night sky with stars above a snowy mountain
A wooden path through a lush green forest
A body of water that has some water in it
A lone tree in a snowy field under a night sky filled with stars
A bunch of plants that are in a room
A vase filled with pink flowers on top of a table
A vase of flowers sitting on a table next to two cups
a large rock formation with a house in the background
A view of a mountain at night from a plane
The night sky is full of stars above the mountains
A blurry picture of a window with a bird sitting on the window sill
The sun is setting over a rocky coastline
a group of tents under a night sky filled with stars
a large cluster of stars in the sky
A green and purple aurora over a snow covered forest
A wooden path through a lush green forest
A lone tree in a snowy field under a night sky filled with stars
A vase filled with pink flowers on top of a table
a large rock formation with a house in the background
A bird's eye view of the ocean and rocks
a snowy mountain with a blue sky
A green and white aurora over mountains and water
The night sky over a snowy mountain range
green coconut palm tree
The night sky with stars above a snowy mountain
A body of water that has some water in it
A bunch of plants that are in a room
A vase of flowers sitting on a table next to two cups
A view of a mountain at night from a plane
The night sky is full of stars above the mountains
A blurry picture of a window with a bird sitting on the window sill
green coconut palm tree
The night sky with stars above a snowy mountain
A body of water that has some water in it
A vase filled with pink flowers on top of a table
A view of a mountain at night from a plane
A bird's eye view of the ocean and rocks
A green and white aurora over mountains and water
The night sky over a snowy mountain range
a large cluster of stars in the sky
A wooden path through a lush green forest
A bunch of plants that are in a room
a large rock formation with a house in the background
a snowy mountain with a blue sky
The sun is setting over a rocky coastline
a group of tents under a night sky filled with stars
A green and purple aurora over a snow covered forest
A lone tree in a snowy field under a night sky filled with stars
A vase of flowers sitting on a table next to two cups
The night sky is full of stars above the mountains
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