Avatar of user Mea Morrowheart
Mea Morrowheart
A black and white photo of a dog figurine
A view of the inside of a subway car
A car that is sitting in the middle of a cross walk
A large body of water with waves on it
A couple of chickens standing on top of a wooden log
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A bunch of yellow flowers that are in the grass
A dirt road with a house on the side of it
A close up of a tree with yellow leaves
A path in a park with lots of leaves on the ground
A small wooden bridge over a river surrounded by trees
A crowd of people watching a fire show
A sheet of music sitting on top of a piano
A rock covered in shells on a beach
A gold clock with a clock on top of it
A car that is sitting in the middle of a cross walk
A couple of chickens standing on top of a wooden log
A bunch of yellow flowers that are in the grass
A close up of a tree with yellow leaves
A small wooden bridge over a river surrounded by trees
A sheet of music sitting on top of a piano
A gold clock with a clock on top of it
A black and white photo of a dog figurine
A view of the inside of a subway car
A large body of water with waves on it
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A dirt road with a house on the side of it
A path in a park with lots of leaves on the ground
A crowd of people watching a fire show
A rock covered in shells on a beach
A couple of chickens standing on top of a wooden log
A dirt road with a house on the side of it
A small wooden bridge over a river surrounded by trees
A sheet of music sitting on top of a piano
A black and white photo of a dog figurine
A car that is sitting in the middle of a cross walk
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A path in a park with lots of leaves on the ground
A crowd of people watching a fire show
A gold clock with a clock on top of it
A view of the inside of a subway car
A large body of water with waves on it
A bunch of yellow flowers that are in the grass
A close up of a tree with yellow leaves
A rock covered in shells on a beach

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