Avatar of user Markus Spiske
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Markus Spiske
Petty & everyday imagery – analog (Leica R7, M6) & digital (Canon R5). NO flights. NO overtourism insta travel hotspots. NO social media. ➑ πšœπš‘πš˜πšπš˜πš—πšπš’πš•πš–.πš’πš˜ 🎞️
Two people riding bikes down a dirt road
A lego model of a road with cars and a truck
A rocky path with moss growing on the rocks
Two bicyclists riding down a road in the woods
A toy train on a track with a crane in the background
A moss covered rock wall in a forest
A purple passport sitting on top of a wooden table
A lawn mower sitting on top of a lush green field
A view of some steps with a building in the background
A telescope on top of a hill on a cloudy day
A bunch of stickers on a metal door
A life preserver on a pole on a beach
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
An old photo of a hotel de paris
A row of blue and white motels next to a beach
A green car parked on a gravel road
The interior of a green car with a steering wheel
A man riding a skateboard across a cross walk
Graffiti written on the side of a building
Two people riding bikes down a dirt road
A rocky path with moss growing on the rocks
A toy train on a track with a crane in the background
A purple passport sitting on top of a wooden table
A view of some steps with a building in the background
A bunch of stickers on a metal door
A life preserver on a pole on a beach
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
A row of blue and white motels next to a beach
The interior of a green car with a steering wheel
A lego model of a road with cars and a truck
Two bicyclists riding down a road in the woods
A moss covered rock wall in a forest
A lawn mower sitting on top of a lush green field
A telescope on top of a hill on a cloudy day
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
An old photo of a hotel de paris
A green car parked on a gravel road
A man riding a skateboard across a cross walk
Graffiti written on the side of a building
Two people riding bikes down a dirt road
Two bicyclists riding down a road in the woods
A purple passport sitting on top of a wooden table
A telescope on top of a hill on a cloudy day
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
A row of blue and white motels next to a beach
A man riding a skateboard across a cross walk
A lego model of a road with cars and a truck
A toy train on a track with a crane in the background
A lawn mower sitting on top of a lush green field
A bunch of stickers on a metal door
The interior of a car with a steering wheel and dashboard
A green car parked on a gravel road
Graffiti written on the side of a building
A rocky path with moss growing on the rocks
A moss covered rock wall in a forest
A view of some steps with a building in the background
A life preserver on a pole on a beach
An old photo of a hotel de paris
The interior of a green car with a steering wheel
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