Avatar of user Mariana Kuntzig
Mariana Kuntzig
Sou professora de informática, fotógrafa amadora e artista plástica. Minha paixão pela fotografia me levou a aventurar-me na área de design gráfico e acabei por tornar -me criadora de recursos gráficos freelance.
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with a city in the background
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
A view of the ocean from a boat on a sunny day
A large rock formation in the middle of a body of water
Two large rocks in the middle of a body of water
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
A view of the ocean from a boat on a sunny day
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with a city in the background
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
A large rock formation in the middle of a body of water
Two large rocks in the middle of a body of water
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
A large rock formation in the middle of a body of water
A body of water with a city in the background
A view of the ocean from a boat on a sunny day
Two large rocks in the middle of a body of water
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with buildings in the background
A body of water with buildings on a hill in the background
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