Avatar of user Katja Anokhina
Katja Anokhina
Hobby photographer with passion for visual structures, geometrical compositions and water motives. Based in Oslo, Norway.
A body of water with a bridge in the background
A crowd of people standing around a christmas tree
A person on a surfboard in a body of water
A person on a surfboard in the water
A body of water with buildings in the background
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A seagull sitting on a wooden railing in front of a marina
A marina filled with lots of boats and christmas trees
A boat dock with a bunch of boats in the water
A window with a view of a street outside
A group of people standing outside of a forest
A sign that is hanging from a wire
A large body of water with a building in the background
A christmas tree with a lot of lights on it
A group of potted plants sitting on top of a table
A field full of purple flowers in the middle of the day
A large building with a glass front and a sky background
A group of people walking around a large building
A body of water with a bridge in the background
A person on a surfboard in a body of water
A body of water with buildings in the background
A seagull sitting on a wooden railing in front of a marina
A boat dock with a bunch of boats in the water
A group of people standing outside of a forest
A large body of water with a building in the background
A christmas tree with a lot of lights on it
A group of potted plants sitting on top of a table
A field full of purple flowers in the middle of the day
A group of people walking around a large building
A crowd of people standing around a christmas tree
A person on a surfboard in the water
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A marina filled with lots of boats and christmas trees
A window with a view of a street outside
A sign that is hanging from a wire
A large building with a glass front and a sky background
A body of water with a bridge in the background
A body of water with buildings in the background
A seagull sitting on a wooden railing in front of a marina
A window with a view of a street outside
A large body of water with a building in the background
A crowd of people standing around a christmas tree
A boat floating on top of a large body of water
A marina filled with lots of boats and christmas trees
A group of people standing outside of a forest
A group of potted plants sitting on top of a table
A large building with a glass front and a sky background
A person on a surfboard in a body of water
A person on a surfboard in the water
A boat dock with a bunch of boats in the water
A sign that is hanging from a wire
A christmas tree with a lot of lights on it
A field full of purple flowers in the middle of the day
A group of people walking around a large building
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