Avatar of user Wolfgang Weiser
Wolfgang Weiser
Fotografieren mein liebstes Hobby. Jede freie Minute bin ich unterwegs. Landschaften, Städte. Großes und Kleines.
A white and yellow plane is on a runway
A large passenger jet sitting on top of an airport runway
A train traveling down train tracks under a cloudy sky
An industrial area with a factory and a bridge
A large industrial plant with pipes and pipes
A large white castle sitting on top of a lake
An old factory building with a crane in front of it
A sculpture in the middle of a grassy field
A body of water with buildings in the background
A large statue of a man with a large face
A view of a body of water with buildings in the background
A building with a crane on the side of it
A large cargo ship in a harbor with ice floes
A plane taking off from an airport runway
A river running through a lush green field under a blue sky
A bridge over a body of water with buildings in the background
A large cargo ship docked at a dock
A bridge over a river with a church in the background
A bridge over a body of water with a train on it
A building that has a lot of windows on it
A white and yellow plane is on a runway
An industrial area with a factory and a bridge
A large white castle sitting on top of a lake
A sculpture in the middle of a grassy field
A body of water with buildings in the background
A view of a body of water with buildings in the background
A large cargo ship in a harbor with ice floes
A river running through a lush green field under a blue sky
A large cargo ship docked at a dock
A large passenger jet sitting on top of an airport runway
A train traveling down train tracks under a cloudy sky
A large industrial plant with pipes and pipes
An old factory building with a crane in front of it
A large statue of a man with a large face
A building with a crane on the side of it
A plane taking off from an airport runway
A bridge over a body of water with buildings in the background
A bridge over a river with a church in the background
A bridge over a body of water with a train on it
A building that has a lot of windows on it
A white and yellow plane is on a runway
A large industrial plant with pipes and pipes
A sculpture in the middle of a grassy field
A building with a crane on the side of it
A large cargo ship in a harbor with ice floes
A bridge over a body of water with buildings in the background
A bridge over a body of water with a train on it
A large passenger jet sitting on top of an airport runway
An industrial area with a factory and a bridge
A body of water with buildings in the background
A view of a body of water with buildings in the background
A river running through a lush green field under a blue sky
A bridge over a river with a church in the background
A building that has a lot of windows on it
A train traveling down train tracks under a cloudy sky
A large white castle sitting on top of a lake
An old factory building with a crane in front of it
A large statue of a man with a large face
A plane taking off from an airport runway
A large cargo ship docked at a dock
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