Avatar of user Fabian Kleiser
Fabian Kleiser
I'm passionate about capturing the beauty of nature and the vibrant moments during my travels. My photography is all about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary and sharing those unique perspectives with the world.
A close up of the front of a black sports car
A yellow flower surrounded by purple flowers
An abandoned building with a lot of windows
A bunch of glass balls hanging from a ceiling
Clothes hanging out to dry on a line next to a building
A wooden dock in the middle of a body of water
A waterway with gondolas and buildings in the background
A ceiling with a decorative design on it
A statue of a man with curly hair and beard
A close up of a wall made of stone blocks
A boat in a body of water near a building
A marble floor with a star design on it
A couple of gondolas that are sitting in the water
An orange life preserver in front of a brick building
A bird sitting on a ledge in front of a wall
A man in a suit and tie standing in front of a building
A red and yellow wallpaper with a floral pattern
A large building sitting on top of a body of water
An overhead view of a ceiling in a building
A narrow canal with several boats in it
A close up of the front of a black sports car
A bunch of glass balls hanging from a ceiling
A wooden dock in the middle of a body of water
A ceiling with a decorative design on it
A close up of a wall made of stone blocks
A boat in a body of water near a building
An orange life preserver in front of a brick building
A red and yellow wallpaper with a floral pattern
A narrow canal with several boats in it
A yellow flower surrounded by purple flowers
An abandoned building with a lot of windows
Clothes hanging out to dry on a line next to a building
A waterway with gondolas and buildings in the background
A statue of a man with curly hair and beard
A marble floor with a star design on it
A couple of gondolas that are sitting in the water
A bird sitting on a ledge in front of a wall
A man in a suit and tie standing in front of a building
A large building sitting on top of a body of water
An overhead view of a ceiling in a building
A close up of the front of a black sports car
A wooden dock in the middle of a body of water
A statue of a man with curly hair and beard
A couple of gondolas that are sitting in the water
A man in a suit and tie standing in front of a building
A large building sitting on top of a body of water
A narrow canal with several boats in it
A yellow flower surrounded by purple flowers
Clothes hanging out to dry on a line next to a building
A ceiling with a decorative design on it
A close up of a wall made of stone blocks
A marble floor with a star design on it
An orange life preserver in front of a brick building
An overhead view of a ceiling in a building
An abandoned building with a lot of windows
A bunch of glass balls hanging from a ceiling
A waterway with gondolas and buildings in the background
A boat in a body of water near a building
A bird sitting on a ledge in front of a wall
A red and yellow wallpaper with a floral pattern
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