Avatar of user David DINTSH
I like to take pictures of things around me, something like nature technology or architecture, so I'll enjoy to upload my work on this special platform.
A red brick building with a clock tower
A white house with mountains in the background
A couple of people walking down a dirt road
A body of water with mountains in the background
A flock of birds sitting on top of power lines
A shelf filled with vases sitting on top of a wooden shelf
A group of vases sitting on top of a table
A view of a city from the top of a hill
A boat floating in the middle of the ocean
A white jeep driving down a street next to palm trees
A silhouette of a building with a sky in the background
A man standing next to a woman on the side of a road
A white house with a balcony and balconies
A view of a city with mountains in the background
A row of donuts sitting on top of a shelf
A view of a city at sunset from a hill
A house with a mountain in the background
A motorcycle parked in front of a building
a large body of water with a building in the background
A white house with mountains in the background
A body of water with mountains in the background
A shelf filled with vases sitting on top of a wooden shelf
A view of a city from the top of a hill
A boat floating in the middle of the ocean
A silhouette of a building with a sky in the background
A white house with a balcony and balconies
A row of donuts sitting on top of a shelf
A house with a mountain in the background
a large body of water with a building in the background
A red brick building with a clock tower
A couple of people walking down a dirt road
A flock of birds sitting on top of power lines
A group of vases sitting on top of a table
A white jeep driving down a street next to palm trees
A man standing next to a woman on the side of a road
A view of a city with mountains in the background
A view of a city at sunset from a hill
A motorcycle parked in front of a building
A couple of people walking down a dirt road
A body of water with mountains in the background
A group of vases sitting on top of a table
A white jeep driving down a street next to palm trees
A white house with a balcony and balconies
A house with a mountain in the background
a large body of water with a building in the background
A red brick building with a clock tower
A flock of birds sitting on top of power lines
A view of a city from the top of a hill
A man standing next to a woman on the side of a road
A row of donuts sitting on top of a shelf
A motorcycle parked in front of a building
A white house with mountains in the background
A shelf filled with vases sitting on top of a wooden shelf
A boat floating in the middle of the ocean
A silhouette of a building with a sky in the background
A view of a city with mountains in the background
A view of a city at sunset from a hill
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