Avatar of user T.R Photography 📸
T.R Photography 📸
Just a girl who loves taking photos with her phone.:) my dog’s instagram: @joythecav Thank you for checking in!
A bridge over a body of water next to a city
a tree with white flowers in front of a building
a group of people standing on a street next to a train
a view of the clouds from an airplane window
a dog lying on a blanket
a black and white photo of a lion laying in the grass
a small brown and white dog laying on top of a bed
a light that is hanging from a ceiling
a small brown and white dog laying on a rug
a brown and white dog wearing a reindeer costume
a person wearing a bracelet with a quote on it
a large white ferris wheel against a blue sky
ocean during golden hour
long-coated white and brown puppy
A bridge over a body of water next to a city
a group of people standing on a street next to a train
a dog lying on a blanket
a light that is hanging from a ceiling
a brown and white dog wearing a reindeer costume
a person wearing a bracelet with a quote on it
ocean during golden hour
a tree with white flowers in front of a building
a view of the clouds from an airplane window
a black and white photo of a lion laying in the grass
a small brown and white dog laying on top of a bed
a small brown and white dog laying on a rug
a large white ferris wheel against a blue sky
long-coated white and brown puppy
A bridge over a body of water next to a city
a group of people standing on a street next to a train
a black and white photo of a lion laying in the grass
a light that is hanging from a ceiling
a large white ferris wheel against a blue sky
a view of the clouds from an airplane window
a small brown and white dog laying on a rug
a person wearing a bracelet with a quote on it
long-coated white and brown puppy
a tree with white flowers in front of a building
a dog lying on a blanket
a small brown and white dog laying on top of a bed
a brown and white dog wearing a reindeer costume
ocean during golden hour
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